Coronavirus (COVID-19): Response and Recovery

Federal courts are coordinating with state and local health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to obtain information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) to aid their response, recovery, and reopening efforts. Courts are regularly releasing orders to address operating status, public and employee safety, and other court business.

New information about the Judiciary’s response and recovery will be continually added to this page. 

Page last updated July 16, 2020.

Policy and Procedures

Federal courts are taking necessary steps to reopen while safeguarding the health and safety of employees, litigants, and the public as they fulfill their constitutional role of hearing cases and administering justice fairly and impartially.

Virtual Access to Court Proceedings

Federal courts have adopted video and audio technologies to continue court proceedings and allow for public and media access.

Operational Changes

The Judiciary is modifying many of its functions to better address issues related to jury trials, probation and pretrial services, law clerk hiring, and other areas affected by the pandemic.

Community Engagement

From donating protective equipment to local hospitals to holding virtual learning sessions for students, federal courts are finding new and innovative ways to serve their communities.

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